Sunday, December 30, 2012

On the Day He Turned Three

On the day he turned three, Boris and I met a decade ago.  On the day he turned three, Boris and I got engaged eight years ago.  On the day he turned three, (Boris') Baba turned eighty.  It's funny, how life is.  How in many ways, we came full circle the day he was born.  And now he is three...

On the day he turned three, he woke up in Banff in a king size bed next to Boris and I.  On the day he turned three, he played with his new toys as the sunshine streamed in through the window.  On the day he turned three, he went skating for the first time.  On the day he turned three, he refused to eat his pancake dinner but devoured two cupcakes.  On the day he turned three, we celebrated this amazing, energetic, impossible little being.  Ben is larger than life.  He makes us laugh and smile.  He keeps us on our toes.  He fills our hearts with love and our home with lots of noise.  We most certainly wouldn't be the same without him.